Saturdays (4 Weeks) Beginning March 22, 2025
Online: 1 – 2 PM Eastern

“Everything you ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” George Addair
Let me lay a brief, illustrative story on you.
For much of her nursing career, Bronnie Ware cared for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. She decided to capture and publish their end-of-life regrets in a book called “The Top Five Regrets of Dying.”
Number one?
“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
As far as we know, we get one crack at this thing. Yet far too often, fear and discomfort keep us stuck, watching goals and dreams slip away.
Let’s do this!
Join me for a four-week group coaching bootcamp and learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Equip yourself with the mindset to chase what your heart longs for.
We’ll meet online each Saturday to discuss the neuroscience behind fear and worry. I’ll also provide practical strategies for training your mind to overcome these limiting emotions.
Each week, you’ll have homework designed to help you perform increasingly uncomfortable tasks in your daily life, building muscle memory and fortitude. We’ll share our challenges and successes as a group, and I’ll suggest tweaks to adjust each individual’s strategies to support what works for you.
Only 10 9 Spots Available!
Seize this opportunity to gain a kick ass tool.
Click HERE to snag your spot today!
This workshop has a limited capacity to create a safe, intimate environment for each participant to maximize the experience.